Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Wenyard Review | Why is Wenyard Smashing All Industry Records? | Wenyard Defies Logic

Wenyard has defied the critics with staggering growth climbing from around 1,000 new signups a day a month ago, to 3665 NEW signups in the last 24 hours!

Now more than 155,000 have joined Wenyard since mid-October 2013. If this growth rate maintains the total signups will be approaching a million people by the end of 2014….simply mind boggling!

The facts are that Wynyard’s success has defied all logic and should NEVER have achieved the level of success it has.

Why do I say this? I base this on 24 years of experience in this industry observing and consulting to new companies.


55,000 people joined in the 100 day pre-launch period from mid-October 2013 to mid-Jan 2014 when there was NO product to demonstrate.


Many new companies pay top leaders in Network Marketing large fees to move to their company and bring across their team with them.  Wenyard did NONE of this adopting an attitude that everyone starts with an equal playing field.  If you do the work you earn the rewards!


The owners of Wenyard have NEVER been involved in Network Marketing before and have maintained a very low profile allowing the management team they appointed to steer the ship.  Even the management team have kept a very low profile. 

All this is very unlike typical success stories in this industry which more than often have charismatic leaders beating their chest and shouting out their past successes to sway the masses to join. 

Wenyard has allowed the members do be the voice of Wenyard and let their actions and results speak the loudest.  You would have to agree that strategy has been very successful.


To date there has NOT been one corporate webinar or conference call, NOT one corporate event anywhere in the world, NO road shows of well-dressed owners and management beating the turf.

Again, Wenyard has adopted an attitude that they will let their opportunity and product stand on its own feet and if it is mean to succeed it will…..without all the hype and hoo-hah of previous success stories.

So what is driving this growth rate?

Is it luck, right time in the market place, what is it? I have a few observations to share that may shed some light.


OneLiner Bonus

The first bonus that I mention is called the OneLiner Bonus but I call it the “You Snooze, You Lose Bonus”.
Full details of this bonus were covered in a past blog post accessible here however the essence of the bonus is that every person who joins the company after you is helping you reach a situation where you can be receiving up to €6,000 of shares a week that can be converted to a passive cash income!

So if you were thinking of joining yesterday and waited until today……guess what?

You just missed out on 3665 signups being added to your OneLiner total to help you earn more shares…..hence the ‘you snooze, you lose bonus’ title!

Because the OneLiner Bonus is based on total sales it immediately removes the feeling that other members are your competition because the more they succeed the more your OneLiner increases.

What is more amazing is you can earn up to €6,000 of shares a week with only 30 personal sales.  Even if you sold the shares at 20% of their value, that equates to €1,200 a week.  Show me another opportunity where you can earn €1,200 a week of PASSIVE income with a total of just 30 personal sales and NO duplication or further team development….it’s unheard of!

Momentum Bonus

This bonus I call the ‘call to action NOW’ bonus.  Why?

Because it is rewards you for taking action immediately after you join and capitalising on the first 72 hours creating momentum.  By immediately creating new signups in the first 72 hours you are rewarded with same amount of shares your new signup receives and you extend the time the Momentum Bonus applies.  Remember, all those shares convert to real cash payouts.

Do nothing in the first 72 hours it will cost you €70 to reactivate the Momentum Bonus and you can only re-activate it once! 

You can learn more about all the income streams by downloading the Bonus Plan PDF or the new Wenyard Overview PDF.


In traditional Network Marketing companies 99% of people are just wholesale consumers of the product drinking the juice, popping the pills, or applying the face creams. A minority may retail some product and earn some profits but you have order in stock and then go and develop customers.

The fact is 90% of people do NOT like sales, and do NOT see themselves as a sales person.

With Wenyard every member can PLAY the NASGO Game and make money buying and selling shares NEVER talking to another person.  That makes it completely unique in the market place putting it in a whole new category of its own.


People get involved for many reasons.  To make money, for fame and recognition, the social interaction, the opportunity to be of service to others, or to simply enjoy playing the game and learning how to build wealth.

Wenyard continues to product incentives, competitions, rewards, bonuses, and promotions that appeal to all these people and each one has driven growth to a new level. This is a company who understand what motivates people to take action.


We live in a world where there is information overload and everyone wants instant gratification. Wenyard has recognised this and only requires you to get signed up with a username, email address and a password so you can just get busy marketing immediately. You can complete your account profile whenever you choose however it must be completed to access your earnings.

You have instant access to all cash commissions like the Product Bonus and Matching Bonus which are based around building a team of members (Brokers). The fastest way to get convert these bonuses to cash is to convert them to Gift Codes which others can use to join, upgrade, and remain qualified for income.  Others buy the Gift Codes off you and you determine how they pay you.

Alternatively you transfer the funds to your Towah ewallet and then withdraw from Towah by bank wire to any of your bank accounts OR you can transfer to a Towah MasterCard that is available for purchase.


I believe part of the reason for the success has been the fact that Wenyard was NOT created by Network Marketers or people with a long history of experience in Network Marketing.

Yes, they have sought extensive consultation from experts in the industry but they have taken their wealth of business experience and more of matter of fact European approach to create an opportunity that is world class in how it presents itself, professionally run, and yet very sensitive to the needs of its customers.

Wenyard constantly listens to feedback and the concerns of its members and consistently enhances everything it does to offer an even better opportunity and product.  What is more impressive is that the response to time to implement enhancements is exceedingly fast with the outcome always very well executed.

Most importantly, Wenyard has NEVER missed a deadline….ever!

Wenyard has consistently UNDER promised and OVER delivered which in the often hyped up world of online world of affiliate and network marketing, is a welcome and refreshing change.

If you are NOT a Wenyard member yet you now know why I am so passionately committed to helping people you succeed with Wenyard. 

If you want to learn more about Wenyard follow the steps below.

Watch the short video below to discover why Wenyard is taking the world by storm taking the fun of online games, combined with the world's best bonus plan.
Go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6axnZ5fKc now to watch this informative 4 min video. 
If you need to know WHY you should join with me, go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xe8Vwh3L1vE and watch this short video to learn why our team is one of the most sort after teams to join.
If you like what you see and want to know more please go to my personal website at http://www.funlifestylesolutions.com

Enter your email to view a comprehensive overview of Wenyard including video, FAQs and get access to the link to join Wenyard.

BELOW are additional resources that can be accessed to help you make an informed decision

Review this BLOG at http://www.makemoneywithwenyard.com you are visiting right now for information on me, Wenyard, how to build a successful Wenyard business and FAQs.
Next visit my Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/makemoneywithwenyard 
Please LIKE and add a comment if you find my Facebook page beneficial.
You can also visit my YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/makemoneywithwenyard 
Please LIKE my video, ADD a comment, and SUBSCRIBE to the channel if it also helps you get the right answers.
Download a FREE copy of my eBook, "Create a life that's like one long vacation" at my blog www.onelongvacation.com.  There is a lot of training in the book and on my blog on how to create an effective online marketing strategy.
You can email me with further questions or you can add me on Skype.  My username is: mmfaust
Michael Faust
Internet Entrepreneur | Author | Mentor
Skype: mmfaust
Email: michaelfaust@outlook.com

Monday, 24 March 2014

NASGO Presentation | Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About The NASGO | Wenyard NASGO

In this Google Hangout I share everything you ever wanted to know about the NASGO....and more.

  • Wenyard & NAGO Terminology
  • Relationship between virtual companies and the NASGO
  • How members receive shares in the virtual companies
  • Relationship between We-coins, WFOs and We-shares
  • Time frame for WFOs to convert to shares and cash profits
  • What drives share prices up and down?
  • Who do share prices plummet after the escrow period
  • When are the next new companies being released?
  • How to start trading as a new and current member?
  • How to place a sell order and buy order
  • Wenyard Account, Mandatory Account and NASGO Account explained
  • Common questions about the NASGO answered
  • Best strategy for making money with Wenyard & the NASGO
  • How to build a passive income with the OneLiner Bonus
More than 2000 people a day are joining the 150,000 people who have joined Wenyard since October 2013 creating record breaking growth never seen before. 

Watch the short video below to discover why Wenyard is taking the world by storm taking the fun of online games, combined with the world's best bonus plan.
Go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6axnZ5fKc now to watch this informative 4 min video. 
If you need to know WHY you should join with me, go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xe8Vwh3L1vE and watch this short video to learn why our team is one of the most sort after teams to join.
If you like what you see and want to know more please go to my personal website at http://www.funlifestylesolutions.com
Enter your email to view a comprehensive overview of Wenyard including video, FAQs and get access to the link to join Wenyard.
BELOW are additional resources that can be accessed to help you make an informed decision about Wenyard.
Review this BLOG at http://www.makemoneywithwenyard.com you are visiting right now for information on me, Wenyard, how to build a successful Wenyard business and FAQs.
Next visit my Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/makemoneywithwenyard 
Please LIKE and add a comment if you find my Facebook page beneficial.
You can also visit my YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/makemoneywithwenyard 
Please LIKE my video, ADD a comment, and SUBSCRIBE to the channel if it also helps you get the right answers.
Download a FREE copy of my ebook, "Create a life that's like one long vacation" at my blog www.onelongvacation.com.  There is a lot of training in the book and on my blog on how to create an effective online marketing strategy.
You can email me with further questions or you can add me on Skype.  My username is: mmfaust
Michael Faust
Internet Entrepreneur | Author | Mentor
Skype: mmfaust
Email: michaelfaust@outlook.com

Sunday, 23 March 2014

What Is The Behaviour Of The Top 50 Sellers Of Share On The Wenyard NASGO? | Is Anyone Making Money Trading On The NASGO?

The obvious question often asked is, “Is anyone making money by buying and selling shares on Wenyard’s virtual stock exchange, the NASGO?”

The answer is YES but there are different ways to make money and different strategies depending on what is your short, medium, and long term strategy.

Recently Wenyard shared with me the statistics of the top sellers of shares over of all time and also a recent 7 day window of time.

The statistics showcase the different ways to approach the Wenyard opportunity and the NASGO.

  1. Cash out your shares an any price, take your money and run
  2. Sell shares and reinvest a percentage of the proceeds keeping some profit
  3. Selling shares, reinvesting it all and even putting in more money to buy up shares while they are cheap and adopt a long term approach
I am not here to advise you which is the best way to approach it, as every person has to make their own decisions. But the statistics showed all 3 approaches have made people money, or created a large share portfolio that will generate a lot of income.

I’ve left out the usernames of the members to protect their privacy.

In the first table I have shown the statistics of the top 50 sellers of shares since February 17, 2014, when Wenyard officially launched trading on the NASGO with all restrictions lifted.

The rows in yellow highlight people who took an approach of cashing out, with minimal or no re-investment. The rows in orange highlight people who have reinvested MORE than they sold and focused on a long term strategy.

What is evident is there is definitely money to be made on the NASGO!

Below are the statistics for the 7 day period up to and including the 18th March when the shares of the last 2 new companies, Edoro and Alliance Horizon, came out of escrow.

Again, the rows in yellow highlight people who took an approach of cashing out, with minimal or no re-investment. The rows in orange highlight people who have reinvested MORE than they sold and focused on a long term strategy.

These statistics also highlight WHY the price of Edoro and Alliance Horizon shares dropped so sharply when they were released from Escrow which I discussed in my last blog post which you can read here.

As you can see, many people sold large quantities of shares, and this drove the prices down.  So what can be learned from this?
  1. You could recognise that people are always going to sell large quantities of shares cheaply when they come out of escrow and you could capitalise by BUYING these cheap shares boosting your portfolio and allow you to start trading for short and long term profits.
  2. Understand that the NASGO is just like the REAL stock markets. The issue price and the price during the first 30 days of release of a new company is not the real value of a share. The real value of a share is the price that someone is prepared to PAY you for that share.
  3. Understand what behaviour drives share prices UP and what drives share prices DOWN and decide whether you are going to be part of the solution or part of the problem?
As I said I am not here to judge or offer an opinion. I am just being an observer and making my observations. You are entitled to make your own decisions and your views may differ.

What I do know is this.
  1. There is money to be made buying and selling shares on the NASGO
  2. There is money to be made building a team of Wenyard Brokers
  3. Wenyard has demonstrated a constant commitment to being a sustainable, record breaking company that has a genuine desire to help its members succeed.
Taking these factors into account I am going to focus my attention on the following.
  1. Continue building a global team of Wenyard Brokers
  2. Learn how to become a profitable trader on the NASGO
  3. Continue to share what I am learning so we build a strong, informed global Wenyard community
Did you know that Wenyard has smashed every record in the Network Marketing industry in its first 5 months creating multi-million Euro earners attracting over 140,000 members.

Watch the short video below to discover why Wenyard is taking the world by storm taking the fun of online games, combined with the world's best bonus plan.

Go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6axnZ5fKc now to watch this informative 4 min video. 
If you need to know WHY you should join with me, go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xe8Vwh3L1vE and watch this short video to learn why our team is one of the most sort after teams to join.
If you like what you see and want to know more please go to my personal website at http://www.funlifestylesolutions.com
Enter your email to view a comprehensive overview of Wenyard including video, FAQs and get access to the link to join Wenyard.
BELOW are additional resources that can be accessed to help you make an informed decision about Wenyard.
Review this BLOG at http://www.makemoneywithwenyard.com you are visiting right now for information on me, Wenyard, how to build a successful Wenyard business and FAQs.
Next visit my Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/makemoneywithwenyard 
Please LIKE and add a comment if you find my Facebook page beneficial.
You can also visit my YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/makemoneywithwenyard 
Please LIKE my video, ADD a comment, and SUBSCRIBE to the channel if it also helps you get the right answers.
Download a FREE copy of my ebook, "Create a life that's like one long vacation" at my blog www.onelongvacation.com.  There is a lot of training in the book and on my blog on how to create an effective online marketing strategy.
You can email me with further questions or you can add me on Skype.  My username is: mmfaust
Michael Faust
Internet Entrepreneur | Author | Mentor
Skype: mmfaust
Email: michaelfaust@outlook.com

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Truth About The NASGO | What Affects Share Prices On NASGO? | How To Profit On The NASGO

In the last week people lots of rumours, conspiracy theories, and stories have come out about the falling price of the shares of companies listed on the NASGO.

In my last blog post I shared all the FACTS about “how the NASGO works” and some tips on what is a “sustainable way to trade and make profits on the NASGO”.
Today I will answer questions and address these rumours and stories like…
  • WHY the price of the shares of NEW companies plummeted AFTER they are released from the 30 day escrow period?
  • What members can do to help avoid this price drop and what behaviour drives share prices up?
  • How YOU can make regular profits even when share prices are LOW?
Rumours and conspiracy theories emerge when people do not know the facts, lack understanding of how things work, or when unrealistic expectations are not met.  Today I will hopefully enlighten you on how it all works.

Why do the share prices of new companies released on the NASGO tend to go up and stay high in the 30 day escrow time?

During the 30 day escrow period there is a very limited amount of trading going on because all the shares that were issued to members are in a 30 day escrow period which means those shares cannot be sold until the end of the 30 day escrow period.

There is some buying of shares in these new companies by people with funds in their Mandatory Account and NASGO Account but the volume of buying and selling is low.
Until there are higher volumes of trading of shares in these new companies during the initial 30 day escrow period it is best not to pay too much attention to the share pricess in that first 30 days and have false expectations of making massive profits at the end of the escrow period.

WHY the price of the shares of NEW companies plummeted AFTER they are released from the 30 day escrow period?

Whether it be the real stock market or the virtual stock market like NASGO there are a few things that impact share prices.
  1. SELLING shares drives prices down and BUYING drives UP
  2. For you to SELL your shares at a certain price you need someone prepared to BUY your shares at that price
If you look at what happened this week with Edoro and Alliance Horizon the share price plummeted because there was a lot of people who wanted to SELL their shares and a small number prepared to buy.  The other factor is people were prepared to sell at a LOW price and there was not people who wanted to BUY at a high price.

You may have an expectation of selling at a high price buy if there are no buyers willing to buy at the higher price or everyone is SELLING and there is a lack of BUYERS then you will not get the result you desire.

What members can do to help avoid this price drop and what behaviour drives share prices up?

The number thing that will drive the share price UP is more people trading on the NASGO with funds from…
  • their Mandatory Account
  • funds moved from their Wenyard Account to their NASGO Account
  • profits from shares sales in their NASGO Account
  • and external funds transferred into their NASGO account
All of these actions put REAL money into the NASGO to buy shares owned by members. When REAL money goes into the NASGO, REAL cash profits will be earned when you SELL the shares.  The more people that trade the higher the share price will go.

As mentioned in my last blog post we recommend setting aside some of your earnings that go to your Wenyard account and transfer this to your NASGO account and use those funds to buy and sell shares. Shares bought with your NASGO account have NO 30 day escrow time.  You can sell them immediately after buying the shares.

Another way to fund your NASGO account is to SELL some of your current shares. Profits from the sale of shares goes into your NASGO Account.

How YOU can make regular profits even when share prices are LOW?

It is only natural for new people to feel disillusioned when you see share prices go from 40-80 cents down to 1-2 cents. Let me give you some things to think about to change your focus and perspective.

If you BUY €100 of shares at 1 cent and sell the same shares at 2 cents how much profit do you make?

You make a 100% profit (double your money) and you earned a profit of €100!

If you bought €100 of shares at 60 cents and sold the same shares for 90 cents you would make a 50% profit and earn €50!

You have the SAME €100 Euros to invest but the profits are NOT dictated by the share price but by the percentage difference between the BUY and SELL price.

When you GET THIS you will see that NOW is a great time to BUY lots of low priced shares in all 8 companies, and a small price increase can lead to significant profits.

In my next Blog post I am going to share some stats I got about the TOP 20 traders in NASGO the last 7 days and the Top 20 Traders of all time to illustrate the profits that can be made and trends and behaviours of these top traders.

Did you know that Wenyard has smashed every record in the Network Marketing industry in its first 5 months creating multi-million Euro earners attracting over 140,000 members.  

Watch the short video below to discover why Wenyard is taking the world by storm taking the fun of online games, combined with the world's best bonus plan.

Go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6axnZ5fKcg now to watch this informative 4 min video. 

If you need to know WHY should you join our team go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xe8Vwh3L1vE and watch this short  video to learn why our team is one of the most sort after teams to join.

If you like what you see and want to know more please go to my personal website at http://www.funlifestylesolutions.com  

Enter your email to view a comprehensive overview of Wenyard including video, FAQs and get access to the link to join Wenyard.

BELOW are additional resources that can be accessed to help you make an informed decision

Review this BLOG at http://www.makemoneywithwenyard.com you are visiting right now for information on me, Wenyard, how to build a successful Wenyard business and FAQs.

Next visit my Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/makemoneywithwenyard 

Please LIKE and add a comment if you find my Facebook page beneficial.

You can also visit my YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/makemoneywithwenyard 

Please LIKE my video, ADD a comment, and SUBSCRIBE to the channel if it also helps you get the right answers.
Download a FREE copy of my book, "Create a life that's like one long vacation" at my blog www.onelongvacation.com 

There is a lot of training in the book and on my blog on how to create an effective online marketing strategy.

You can email me with further questions or you can add me on Skype.  My username is: mmfaust


Michael Faust
Internet Entrepreneur | Author | Mentor
Skype: mmfaust
Email: michaelfaust@outlook.com

Realistic Strategy For Buying and Selling Shares On NASGO | How To Make Daily Profits On NASGO

I am constantly asked, “What is a realistic and sustainable strategy for buying and selling shares on the Wenyard Virtual Stock Exchange called the NASGO?”

Many ask, “How can I make daily profits trading on the NASGO even if you have NO experience?”

I was privileged to talk to someone in the last 48 hours who is a day trader who has taught a strategy that works and she was kind enough to share this with me which I will now share with you.

This same strategy is ALSO a way to drive the price of the shares UP which helps every member benefit from the NASGO.

Before I go into the strategy I want to emphasise a few important facts about the NASGO.

  1. The more members BUY shares with funds in their Mandatory and Nasgo accounts (REAL MONEY) the more impact this has on driving the share price UP!
  2. The more members just sell shares cheaply the more that drives the share price DOWN!
  3. Shares purchased with funds from your Mandatory Account go into ESCROW for 30 days so you cannot sell them for 30 days.
  4. Shares purchased with funds in your NASGO account do NOT go into escrow so you can sell them immediately
  5. Your Mandatory Account is funded 2 ways
    1. 30% of your STEP payment commissions are automatically transferred to the Mandatory Account
    2. When you upgrade from Executive to Executive GOLD the upgrade amount funds your Mandatory Account
  6. Your NASGO account is funded 3 ways
    1. You can transfer in €3000 into your Wenyard account from your bank account or credit card and then transfer from your Wenyard Account to your NASGO Account
    2. You can transfer any amount of your commissions in your Wenyard Account to your NASGO account (preferable option)
    3. When you SELL shares the profits are allocated to your NASGO account
  7. All WFOs are automatically converted to shares when the next NEW company is released in the NASGO. These shares are held in escrow for 30 days.  After the escrow period you can sell the shares.  You earn WFOs in the following ways.
    1. Purchasing Broker Packs and Upgrade Packs
    2. Oneliner Bonus
    3. Momentum Bonus
    4. Recognition Rewards
    5. Paying the €10 a week qualification

Key Components Of The Strategy For Profitable Share Trading On NASGO:

  1. Allocate an amount from your Wenyard account and transfer this to your NASGO Account so you can buy shares and sell with NO escrow periods
  2. The amount you allocate is the amount you are comfortable to risk losing as there is always the risk you will lose money as is the case with any share trading.
  3. However if you follow the steps we suggest you should be able to trade profitably and build a growing daily profit.
  4. Regular buying of shares with funds from the NASGO (and Mandatory) accounts by members will help drive prices up
  5. Do not SELL large amounts of shares cheaply.  Trade with smaller amounts of shares holding on to the larger quantities of shares for when the prices go up.
  6. Earn more WFOs via theWenyard Bonus Plan so you can build a growing share portfolio that can be ultimately used to increase your share trading profitability.
  7. Consider reinvesting a percentage of your profits from selling shares to have a larger fund growing for daily share trading that has NO escrow restrictions.
In my next blog post I am going to talk about a number of key issues.
  • WHY the price of the shares plummeted AFTER the release from escrow?
  • What members can do to help avoid this and drive prices up?
  • How to make LARGE profits when share prices are low?

Did you know that Wenyard has smashed every record in the Network Marketing industry in its first 5 months creating multi-million Euro earners attracting over 140,000 members.  

Watch the short video below to discover why Wenyard is taking the world by storm taking the fun of online games, combined with the world's best bonus plan.

Go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6axnZ5fKcg  now to watch this informative 4 min video. 

If you need to know WHY should you join our team go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xe8Vwh3L1vE  and watch this short  video to learn why our team is one of the most sort after teams to join.

If you like what you see and want to know more please go to my personal website 

Enter your email to view a comprehensive overview of Wenyard including video, FAQs and get access to the link to join Wenyard.

BELOW are additional resources that can be accessed to help you make an informed decision

Review this BLOG at http://www.makemoneywithwenyard.com you are visiting right now for information on me, Wenyard, how to build a successful Wenyard business and FAQs.

Next visit my Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/makemoneywithwenyard 

Please LIKE and add a comment if you find my Facebook page beneficial.

You can also visit my YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/makemoneywithwenyard 

Please LIKE my video, ADD a comment, and SUBSCRIBE to the channel if it also helps you get the right answers.

Download a FREE copy of my book, "Create a life that's like one long vacation" at my blog www.onelongvacation.com 

There is a lot of training in the book and on my blog on how to create an effective online marketing strategy.

You can email me with further questions or you can add me on Skype.  My username is: mmfaust


Michael Faust
Internet Entrepreneur | Author | Mentor
Skype: mmfaust
Email: michaelfaust@outlook.com

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Wenyard + NASGO | Network Marketing + Internet + Virtual Trade Gaming

Wenyard & NASGO are creating millionaires. It is the perfect combination of Network Marketing + Internet + Virtual Trade Gaming.

Wenyard is not breaking all the records.....it is smashing them and raising the bar so high that it may be impossible for others to follow.

In just the past week the number of new members (players) joining Wenyard to access the Nasgo Trading Game and participate in the Wenyard Bonus Plan has gone from a whopping 1000 plus new members a day to more than 3000 new players a day.

....and there is NO sign that this staggering growth is slowing down any time soon!

Watch the 2 minute video to get an quick introduction to this amazing opportunity that can help you earn a few hundred Euros a week to earning a level of income where the sky is the limit.

BELOW are additional resources I have created that can be accessed to learn more about Wenyard.

This blog has lots of information on me, Wenyard, how to build a successful Wenyard business and FAQs.

Make sure you visit my Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/makemoneywithwenyard 

Please LIKE and add a comment if you find my Facebook page beneficial.

You can also visit my YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/makemoneywithwenyard 

Please LIKE my video, ADD a comment, and SUBSCRIBE to the channel if it also helps you get the right answers.

You can email me with further questions or you can add me on Skype.  My username is: mmfaust
If you are simply ready to get started click here.


Michael Faust
Internet Entrepreneur | Author | Mentor
Skype: mmfaust
Email: michaelfaust@outlook.com

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Wenyard March 10 Announcements Explained | Wenyard Google Hangout | Hosted by Michael Faust

Wenyard March 10 Announcements Explained in a Google Hangout Hosted by Michael Faust

In this Google Hangout you will learn about all of the following.
  • How you make money with Wenyard
  • How is the sales revenue from Wenyard distributed
  • Company Issued Shares vs Member Owned Shares
  • NEW Executive Broker Gold level explained
  • NEW Recurring Bonus Explained
  • Why10% of Broker Packs is now allocated to the Mandatory Account
  • NEW Company release dates and details - iTvvision and Pharmacific
  • Special Promotion for Top 1000 producers in next 4 weeks
You can also download the PowerPoint used for this Hangout on Slideshare by clicking here.

Did you know that Wenyard has smashed every record in the Network Marketing industry in its first 4 months creating multi-million Euro earners attracting over 100,000 members.  

Watch the short video below to discover why Wenyard is taking the world by storm taking the fun of online games, combined with the world's best bonus plan.

Go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6axnZ5fKcg  now to watch the 4 min video. 

If you need to know WHY should you join our team go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xe8Vwh3L1vE  and watch this short 4 min video

If you like what you see and want to know more please go to my personal website at http://www.funlifestylesolutions.com

Enter your email to view a comprehensive overview of Wenyard including video, FAQs and get access to the link to join Wenyard.

BELOW are additional resources I have created that can be accessed to learn more about Wenyard.

This blog has lots of information on me, Wenyard, how to build a successful Wenyard business and FAQs.

Make sure you visit my Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/makemoneywithwenyard 

Please LIKE and add a comment if you find my Facebook page beneficial.

You can also visit my YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/makemoneywithwenyard 

Please LIKE my video, ADD a comment, and SUBSCRIBE to the channel if it also helps you get the right answers.

You can email me with further questions or you can add me on Skype.  My username is: mmfaust


Michael Faust
Internet Entrepreneur | Author | Mentor
Skype: mmfaust
Email: michaelfaust@outlook.com